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FreeBASIC CompilerReportingBugs

FBWiki 表紙Reporting a bug←オリジナル・サイト


How to report a bug or problem with the project.

The FreeBASIC development team relies on community members for a large part of the testing and debugging process. This is important because it allows the project to progress quickly, since both the developers' time and test equipment is limited. What is just as important is that this testing be done in a certain way to help speed up the process.

Currently, it is assumed that users are testing with at least the latest stable release. Previous stable or intermediary releases are not supported, so bug reports using them do little good. If you think you have found a bug, please observe the following steps:

Checking your code for problems

Before reporting a bug, try to make sure it's a bug in the FreeBASIC compiler or runtime libraries and not a bug in your own code by,

Checking if the bug has already been reported or addressed

If after making a test case you find that there is indeed a bug in the compiler or runtime libraries (expected results differ from actual results), then you should see if that bug has already been reported or addressed by,

Submitting a bug report

If the bug hasn't been reported, fixed or otherwise addressed, then please submit a bug report to the FreeBASIC bug-tracker on - you will need to register for a free account there. Log in and click on the "Create Ticket" link and be sure to provide the following information:

FBWiki 表紙に戻る
ページ歴史:2016-02-10 15:47:08
日本語翻訳:WATANABE Makoto、原文著作者:JasonFirth

