
The Japanese term for improvement; continuing improvement involving everyone? managers and workers. In manufacturing, kaizen relates to finding and eliminating waste in machinery, labor, or production methods.

kana name

A method of Just-in-Time production that uses standard containers or lots sizes with a single card attached to each. It is a pull system in which work centers signal with a card that they wish to withdraw parts from feeding operations or suppliers. The Japanese word kanban, loosely translated, means card, billboard, or sign. The term is often used synonymously for the specific scheduling system developed and used by the Toyota Corporation in Japan.



key item number

kit delivery
Kit : The components of a parent item that have been pulled from stock and readied for movement to a production area.

Key performance indicators
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are financial and non-financial metrics used to quantify objectives to reflect the strategic performance of an organization. A KPI is used in Business Intelligence to assess the present state of business and to prescribe the course of action. The act of monitoring KPI's in realtime is known as business activity monitoring. KPIs are frequently used to "value" difficult to measure activities such as the benefits of leadership development, engagement, service, and satisfaction. KPIs are typically tied to an organization's strategy (as exemplified through techniques such as the Balanced Scorecard).

The KPIs differ depending on the nature of the organization and the organization's strategy. They help an organization to measure progress towards their organizational goals, especially difficult to quantify knowledge-based activities.

A KPI is a key part of a measurable objective, which is made up of a direction, KPI, benchmark, target and timeframe. For example: "Increase Average Revenue per Customer from £10 to £15 by EOY 2008". Where 'Average Revenue Per Customer' is the KPI.

KPIs should not be confused with a Critical Success Factor. For the example above, a critical success factor would be something that needs to be in place to achieve that objective; for example, a product launch.


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