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FreeBASIC CompilerOptarch

目次→コンパイラ→コマンド・ラインを使うCompiler Option: -buildprefix←オリジナル・サイト
目次コンパイラ・オプション一覧Compiler Option: -buildprefix←オリジナル・サイト

コンパイラ・オプション: -buildprefix 左にメニュー・フレームが表示されていない場合は、ここをクリックして下さい

←リンク元に戻る プログラム開発関連に戻る

内部 buildprefix オプションを設定します。

-buildprefix < name >

内部の buildprefix オプションを上書きする名前。

-buildprefix コマンド ライン オプションは、内部の buildprefix オプションを上書きします。

-buildprefix, -prefix, -target コマンド ライン オプションを使用した場合の詳細な動作
fbc's default options should work for native builds.
When building for other platforms or developing and building with multiple tool chains, these command line options can help ease the needs of various non-native or uncommon compilations:
  • Default prefix:
  • - prefix may have been compiled in when fbc itself was compiled, in which case the default prefix is determined by fbc's build/makefile option 'ENABLE_PREFIX'
    If fbc was not compiled with 'ENABLE_PREFIX':
    - standalone: prefix = <fbc path>/
    - normal : prefix = <fbc path>/../
  • Override default prefix:
  • - if the '-prefix <path>' command line option given, overrides the default prefix
  • Default target:
  • - determined by target build for fbc itself by fbc's makefile
  • Override default target:
  • - if the '-target <target>' command line option given, overrides the default target
  • Default buildprefix:
  • - always empty
  • Override default buildprefix:
  • - if the '-buildprefix <name>' command line option given, overrides the default build prefix
  • Default binary, include, and library paths:
  • - binary path: where tools are located (AS, LD, AR, etc)
    - include path: location of fbc's '*.bi' files
    - library path: where fbc's libraries are located (static libraries and import libraries)
    - toolname: the name of a specific tool, which may include the path for a specific location, or the name of the tool only if relying on PATH environment variable
    standalone fbc:
    - binary path = <prefix>/bin/<target>/
    - toolname = <binary path> + <buildprefix> + <tool name>[.exe]
    - include path = <prefix>/inc
    - library path = <prefix>/lib/<target>
    normal fbc:
    - default binary path:
    - binary path = <prefix>/bin/<target->
    - or if '-buildprefix' given:
    - binary path = <prefix>/bin/<buildprefix>
    - toolname = <binary path> + <tool name>[.exe]
    - If binary tool not found, then rely on PATH environment variable to find:
    - toolname = <target-|buildprefix> + <tool name>
    - include path = prefix/include/freebasic
    - library path = prefix/lib[64]/freebasic/target
  • Environment variables override tool name and path completely:
  • - environment variables can override the tool name and path completely
    - 'AS' overrides gnu assembler tool
    - 'AR' overrides gnu archiver tool
    - 'LD' overrides gnu linker
    - 'GCC' overrides gnu C compiler
    - 'LLC' overrides LLVM compiler
    - 'CLANG' overrides clang C compiler (currently never used)
    - 'DLLTOOL' overrides gnu dlltool (GAS)
    - 'GORC' overrides resource tool (if fbc was compiled with ENABLE_GORC)
    - 'WINDRES' overrides resource tool (if fbc was compiled without ENABLE_GORC)
    - 'CXBE' overrides xbox xbe generator tool
    - 'DXE3GEN' overrides djgpp DOS dll tool
    - 'EMAR' overrides emscripten archiver ool
    - 'EMCC' overrides emscripten assember, compiler, and linker tools

The tool name prefix (stored in the binary path) is set by default with 'target' + '-'.
'-buildprefix <name>' overrides the tool name prefix.

When 'binary path' is set (internally in the fbc compiler), it includes the prefix of the tool name.

For examples:
fbc -prefix /pppp/ -target tttt source.bas
gnu-AS invoked is: /pppp/bin/tttt-as

fbc -prefix /pppp/ -target tttt -buildprefix bbbbX source.bas
gnu-AS invoked is: /pppp/bin/bbbbXas

'-prefix' command line option controls top level path for fbc.
'-target' command line option controls code generation and many related options including the default tool name prefix.
'-buildprefix' command line option overrides the default tool name prefix.

コンパイラ・オプション一覧 に戻る
←リンク元に戻る プログラム開発関連に戻る

ページ歴史:2022-06-01 06:16:18
日本語翻訳:WATANABE Makoto、原文著作者:fxm

