

safety education
(安全教育:safety education)

safety inventory
(安全在庫:safety inventory)

safety maintenance section

safety management

safety parts mark

safety stock
(安全在庫:safety stock)
1) In general, a quantity of stock planned to be in inventory to protect against fluctuations in demand and/or supply.
2) In the context of master production scheduling, the additional inventory and/or capacity planned as protection against forecast errors and/or short-time changes in the backlog. Overplanning can be used to create safety stock.

safety verification

salaries within scheduled time


Sales and operations planning
(販売およびオペレーション計画:Sales and operations planning)
A process that provides management the ability to strategically direct its businesses to achieve competitive advantage on a continuous basis by integrating customer-focused marketing plans for new and existing products with the management of the supply chain. The process brings together all the plans for the business (sales, marketing, development, manufacturing, sourcing, and financial) into one integrated set of plans. It is performed at least once a month and is reviewed by management at an aggregate (product family) level. The process must reconcile all supply, demand, and new-product plans at both the detail and aggregate level and tie to the business plan. It is the definitive statement of the company's plans for the near to intermediate term covering a horizon sufficient to plan for resources and support the annual business planning process. Executed properly, the sales and operation planning process links the strategic plans for the business with its execution and reviews performance measures for continuous improvement.

sales commission

sales dept.

sales menu

sales order information

sales plan

sales product repricing

sales specification

sales specification code

sales specification contents

sales specification list comparison

sales unit

sales unit code

sales unit code composition table

sales unit code master table

sales unit code relation table

sales unit code table

sales unit comparison

sales unit name

sales unit search

sampling inspection

saving of resources and energy

scatter diagram




schematic drawing

science of labor


scrap factor

scrap value


seasonal variation

secondary sales unit

select combination code

select menu

select model

select screen


selection division


selling (marketing)

selling cost

semi direct labor

sensitive to problems

sensory test

serial machine number

serial no.


Service blueprint
(サービス青写真:Service blueprint)
A service analysis method that allows service designers to identify processes involved in the service delivery system, isolate potential failure points in the system, establish time frames for the service delivery, and set standards for each step that can be quantified.

service cost(payment to subsidiary companies)

service documents cost

service life

service parts

set numbers of drawing

1) The work required to change a specific machine, resource , work center , or line from making the last good piece of unit A to the first good piece of unit B.
2) The refitting of equipment to neutralize the effects, e.g., teardown of the just completed production and preparation of the equipment for production of the next scheduled item.

set-up operation

setting backward priorities


setup of destination

setup of vendors

shape accuracy




shipment date


shipping charge

shipping operation standard sheets

shippment order number

shop floor control
A system for utilizing data from the shop floor to maintain and communicate status information on shop orders (manufacturing orders) and on work centers.
The major sub functions of shop floor control are : (1) assigning priority of each shop order, (2) maintaining work-in-process quantity information, (3) conveying shop order status information to the office, (4) providing actual output data for capacity control purposes, (5) providing quantity by location by shop order for work-in-process inventory and accounting purposes, and (6) providing measurement of efficiency, utilization, and productivity of the work fore and machines.
Shop floor control can use order control or flow control to monitor material movement through the facility.

short-cycle manufacturing
(短サイクル製造:short-cycle manufacturing)


shrinkage fit


shutdown work


similar parts code

simultaneous stocktaking method

single level

single level where-used

single supply source

single-level BOM

single-operator production system

skill management

skill-up training

skilled employee


slotted hole

small classification

small-scale kaizen

Averaging data by a mathematical process or by curve fitting ,such as the method of least squares or exponential smoothing.

smoothing constant

snap reading method

sole source code


source code

source division

source division code(specifying where item is fitted)

spare parts

spare parts control

spare parts section

special products prod. section

special slinging tools

special tools

specification confirmation sheets

specification division code

specification division name


squad leader's job

stage of completion

standard cost accounting

standard lot size

standard man hour

standard man-hour table

standard operation

standard option code

standard routing

standard state

standard time

standard time data system

standard time measurement procedure


standing material

start date

start i/p



state trade absence

stated capital

statement of changes in financial position

statement of financial position

station length

station time

statistical analysis




steel plate/profile plate


stock of parts

stock on hand

stock on order

stockholders' equity

stockless production
(在庫無し生産:stockless production)

Stock turnover period
Stock turnover period explains the time a company has taken to turn over its whole of the average stock value. This ratio is arrived at by dividing the rate of stock turnover into 52 weeks (or 12 months).

Example: if the rate of stock turnover is four (for example, a company had sold its entire stock value four times in the year), then the stock turnover period (time required to sell the entire stock, on average) would be: 12/4 = 3 months

There is an advantage that showing at the period understands the stock status easily actually feeling it as for showing at the stock turnover ratio.

Sometimes expressed as number of weeks /months stock is left hanging around the warehouse. If this is the case then the bigger figure is not the better figure.
In other words stock stored for 6 months indicates poorer efficiency than stock stored for 3 months.

The stock turnover period of every month is calculated as follows.

Stock turnover period(months)= Average stock/Average monthly cost of goods issued(sold)
=(N-1 month stock + N month stock)/(N month issued + N+1 month plan)

Average stock = (N-1 month stock + N month stock)/2
Average monthly cost of goods issued = (N month issued + N+1 month plan)/2


Stock turnover ratio
Stock turnover ratio(or simply stock turn) is the number of times a company has sold (issued)its stock and replaced it, say, in a year.

Stock turnover ratio= number of times stock turns over
= Average Cost of goods issued(sold)/ Average stock

Ratio Analysis is all about comparing one set of ratios with another.
This can mean comparing one year with another, or comparing the performance of one company with another or with its budgets.
By using Ratio Analysis the words in the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account can tell us something about how well the business has performed.

Stock is used in the Stock Turnover ratio and can therefore tell us something about the efficiency of the business.
The higher the figure the quicker the business is turning stock around.
In other words the bigger the ratio the better.

Stock turnover period

stop watch method

storage space

straight line method

strategic model



strawman (be used in the u.s.a.)


strt day


structural analysis

structure of standard time


sub-contracted parts cost

sub-job copy

sub-sub assembly lists


Sending production work outside to another manufacturer.

subcontract control

subcontract process

subcontracted parts




subsidiary material cost

substitute sales unit

substitute sales unit information

substitute specification

substitute specification search


subsystem name


summarized bill

summarized bill where-used

supplemental materials cost


supply available mark

Supply chain
(サプライ・チェーン(供給連鎖):Supply chain)
1) The processes from the initial raw materials to the ultimate consumption of the finished product linking across supplier-user companies.
2) The functions within and outside a company that enable the value chain to make products and provide services to the customer.

supply chain management

supply chain software
There are many supply chain software "solutions" promising to radically cut inventory and provide control over the process . They supposedly do this by showing anyone who logs into the Web site how much inventory there is in real time at every stage of the supply chain.
To get more productivity out of the work process , you have to change the way the work is done by eliminating waste. Supply chain software by itself does not eliminate waste.
Improving the process is the only way you can control inventory.

supply character code

supply of spare parts

supply part mark

support of club activities

surplus equipment

symbol of finished surface


synchronized production
A manufacturing management philosophy that includes a consistent set of principles, procedures, and techniques where every action is evaluated in terms of the global goal of the system.
Both kanban, which is a part of the JIT philosophy, and drum-buffer-rope, which is a part of the theory of constraints philosophy, represent synchronized production control approaches.

system of fits

systematic diagram


Wordsworth - Version2.6.0 (C)1999-2002 濱地 弘樹(HAMACHI Hiroki)